Thursday, February 10, 2011

Little Miss Muffet

So, I haven't written too many posts about the critters here.  There are many things other than mosquitoes (pthhhht on them!) that creep and crawl and sometimes fly in our apartment.  Recently, elephantine spiders have been all the rage.  In fact, knowing, as I'm sure you do, the precious nature of the sleep of an infant (sleeping like a baby, ha! what a silly phrase), you will appreciate the horrific nature of these beasts when I tell you that not once, but TWICE we chose to sacrifice the sleep of Bean in order to kill one of these spiders.  It had to be done.  The day after the second kill, I found a group of ants working diligently to carry up the wall and presumably out the window a spider leg that we had missed in our clean-up.
Sure, it is photographically weak, but ITS LEG IS AS BIG AS A DIME!  Creepy.

Now, let me go back.  I said "we" killed these spiders, but it was really Wonderman.  The first two were all him.  The third was spotted when Bean and I were home alone and she had just fallen asleep.  It was right by the open door that led to her bedroom.  It had been a struggle to get her to dreamland.  I wasn't about to forfeit that if I could avoid it.  That's right, I faced the behemoth and I won - silently.  The silent part took great self-control.  And this time I got slightly better pictures.  This one is for the ick factor:
And this one is just for relative size (Keep in mind that this is the monster curled up in death.  In life, with legs radiating to grotesque lengths, he was much larger):
Conclusion: Sometimes a princess in a tower remains alone and has to fight her own battles.


Norm and Cassi Beatty said...

Those spiders look disgusting! Thank goodness I don't see them here.

F Montierth said...

Now if I were still in my entomology class, I'd be thrilled with such a find! Think of all the things to could pull together for a science class! ;0) I suppose that's why you went into English instead.