Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Family Portraits

So, we had a friend of ours take some family portraits a couple months ago, but I didn't want to post them until our moms got their Mother's Day package of pictures.  And then I forgot.  Oops. 

But . . . Here they are!  We are so grateful to Paige and her wondercamera! 



Wonderman and I pretty much look exactly the same as two months ago, but it's crazy to look at these photos and recognize just how much Bean has changed.  Wow.  Too bad Paige is gone.  Michelle?

Conclusion:  This family is forever, yo (and thank goodness)!

ps - we sure made a beautiful baby, no? 

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


It's true, I haven't posted in a bit.  Meh.  We're still here, living and loving it up in Dominica.  Wonderman started his fifth semester yesterday.  There are things that make me anxious for these eleven weeks to hurry by (can you say "heat rash?"), but generally I'm already getting pretty sad that we'll be leaving, most likely forever, Dominica so soon. 

On a more important note (I may catch up later, but we're going to start with current news), today is Bean's SEVEN MONTH BIRTHDAY!  We are having tons of fun.  She is getting bigger and cuter and more fun every day.  She is a pro roller and she's getting really good at staying upright when I sit her up, but she has yet to find that sitting position on her own.  She is toothless, but I can't say that I mind.  She is loving solid food and thriving in the warm weather.  I have to admit I already wonder how I will function if I have babies that I can't just leave naked when it's convenient, because it's too cold.  Especially as she begins eating, naked is MUCH easier.  Maybe Alaska really is out of the question.  Sigh.

Anyway, here's a naked picture of her and her daddy (only Bean is naked, don't worry) at exactly seven months:
I know, she's a little weird-out-of-focus, but it's by far the cutest one we got today.  Gosh, I love that kid!  And her daddy!

Conclusion: Seize the pineapple!  Celebrate the day!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

A Room Full of Idiots

I remember hearing once that only a baby can turn a group of intelligent adults into a room full of babbling idiots.  As Wonderman and I are finding things that make Bean laugh, I see that it's true.  We will do ANYTHING to hear that sweet sound.  But then, who wouldn't?
This is her reaction to a bouncing ball.  Who knew that was so funny?

ps - Wonderman and I both also quite like the end when she decides she's ready to move on to another amusement.  Marked and Hilar.

Conclusion:  It's the simple things.