Sunday, November 1, 2009

Time Warp

Last night Wonderman and I were discussing Daylight Savings Time. Specifically, I was asking him if Dominica participated. We came to the basic conclusion that they probably don't, since it is a sort of silly and very American concept. However, we decided to verify by asking the waitress at the tiny little Chinese restaurant where we were eating dinner (To clarify - we don't eat out that much, really, last night was simply a necessity because we bought a new tank of gas and somehow seem incapable of getting propane to come out of it so that I can cook dinner. Also, when I say tiny, I mean really tiny. There was one table with six chairs. That's it. But it was pretty tasty.) if they had Daylight Savings Time here. She wrinkled her brow and asked "What?" I, being clever as always, thought I would clarify by asking if we needed to change our clocks that night. "Why would you do that?" Wonderman and I decided that we had our answer. Silly Daylight Savings Time, anyway.


Anonymous said...

that's why i live in AZ ;)

Jessie said...

it is silly. be glad to live in dominica/arizona where you don't have to worry about it. :)