Bean had a conniption fit during her first bath (I was rebellious and didn't let them bathe her at the hospital. I probably would've waited even longer than I did to bathe her if her daddy hadn't been leaving. He wanted to bathe her, so she got her first bath at two days old). Both Wonderman and I were doing everything we could think of to make it less horrible, as her tiny body turned purple from screaming so hard. Bath time slowly got better as time moved on, but there were still many nights that she screamed, and screamed, and screamed when getting out of the bath. I think it was the combination of being tired and COLD. Cold is not so much an option here in Dominica. And she almost always loves her bath. She ends her baths with a smile:
It's so much nicer this way. I'm not sure what to do if I ever have a baby in the winter time again. I don't think we'll be living on a tropical island for the rest of forever. I suppose I'll just have to enjoy it while I can.
Conclusion: Take joy in simple pleasures
edible- the end!
This little Beanie baby is so stinkin' cute!!!
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