Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Adventure of The Year Award goes to . . . .

Wonderman and I are starting down a whole new road.  Things will really change when Baby Bean arrives sometime in mid-October.
And, as I've been trying to be as secretive as possible, it has taken my normal (inexplicable) reluctance to blog to a whole new level.  You know, if you can't say anything about being pregnant, don't say anything at all.  That's what Mom always said, right?  I'll see if I can rectify that situation.


JN Designs said...

That news is far to exciting to keep to yourself! Wahoo, I am so happy for the two of you!

Tyler said...


Reading Family said...

Yea! We are so excited for you guys and your little bean as well! Hope is a fun and wonderful journey for you all!

Kim Gloede said...
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Jessie said...

that is SO exciting!!! yay! you will be the best mom ever! hooray! congrats congrats!

The Fredericks said...

hooray hooray a baby on the way :)

Jevne's said...

congrats!! Your first is definetly focused, exciting new adventure.. funny though, we are due around the same time... we are excited to see you all in May..

Nina said...

A baby Bazzell! Congratulations! We are so happy for you.

Anonymous said...


Bev Matheson